• En litt sunnere pasjonsfrukt- og yoghurtkake

    Photos: ladybird
    Her om dagen kom jeg over en oppskrift på en litt sunnere yoghurtkake med pasjonsfrukt. Muligens det er gravidhormonene eller bare husmorgenet som slår inn, men den siste uken har det vært mye aktivitet på kjøkkenet med baking og kakelaging. Og da jeg kom over denne oppskriften så bestemte jeg meg for at den skulle testes ut. Det er greit med noen sunnere alternativer innimellom, som kan nytes midt i uka med god samvittighet.
    Yoghurtkake med pasjonsfrukt
    2,5 dl store havregryn
    100 gram mørk sjokolade

    300 gram vaniljekesam
    5 dl yoghurt med melon og pasjonsfrukt (jeg hadde også kokosyoghurt i kjøleskapet, så jeg blandet disse to)
    1 pakke sitrongele
    2,5 dl vann
    4 pasjonsfrukt
    Valgfrie bær og mynthe til pynt
    Rist havregryn i tørr panne til de er sprø og gyldne. Smelt sjokoladen i vannbad og bland sammen med de ristede havregrynene. Fordel massen i en kakeform (cirka 24cm) kledd med bakepapir.
    Lag gele med 2,5 vann. Avkjøl, men ikke la den stivne. Bland vaniljekesam og yoghurt og rør deretter inn geleen. Del pasjonsfruktene i to, skrap ut innholdet og bland inn i røra. La den stå litt på benken og tykne før du heller den over kakebunnen. Sett i kjøleskapet og la kaken stivne, dette tar cirka tre timer. 
    Jeg fulgte ikke oppskriften helt slavisk og det ble nok litt mye yoghurt, så min stivnet ikke helt og det var derfor greit å la den være i forma. Men frisk og god, det ble den!
  • Our best breakfast in holidays

    I love being a web designer and I’m incredibly thankful that I decided to join this industry many years ago. Still, despite my love of this profession, there have been a number of times during my career when my passion has waned and I’ve found myself simply going through the motions instead of fully applying myself to my work. This scenario is likely familiar to many of my fellow web designers. It is called burnout.Read More

  • Beautiful landscapes

    I remember speaking with a web designer I had collaborated with on a few projects about a sabbatical that he took a while back. He had felt himself burning out and decided that he wanted to take six months totally away from his job. Now, few of us can just walk away from our work for half a year, but he planned it out and made preparations so that he could make it happen. He looked hard at his budget and made some changes so he could save some money and give himself a cushion that would allow him to go without any income during his time off. He admitted to me that it was difficult, but workable, and he did take that time off after about a year of working and saving.Read More

  • Summer Outfit Love

    I love being a web designer and I’m incredibly thankful that I decided to join this industry many years ago. Still, despite my love of this profession, there have been a number of times during my career when my passion has waned and I’ve found myself simply going through the motions instead of fully applying myself to my work. This scenario is likely familiar to many of my fellow web designers. It is called burnout.Read More

  • The most Hot ingredients

    I love being a web designer and I’m incredibly thankful that I decided to join this industry many years ago. Still, despite my love of this profession, there have been a number of times during my career when my passion has waned and I’ve found myself simply going through the motions instead of fully applying myself to my work. This scenario is likely familiar to many of my fellow web designers. It is called burnout.Read More

  • Fashion flowers

    I love being a web designer and I’m incredibly thankful that I decided to join this industry many years ago. Still, despite my love of this profession, there have been a number of times during my career when my passion has waned and I’ve found myself simply going through the motions instead of fully applying myself to my work. This scenario is likely familiar to many of my fellow web designers. It is called burnout.Read More